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Large tracts of vacant land to be purchased at around $250,000 each. People who park will pay $ 3/day for operating costs. People who hold $50 monthly passes can park for free. Improvements to be made as needed and as more funding becomes available.

Funding - State of Michigan to pay $ 50 - 100 Million out of the MDOT funding for roads. This money will be available because it will not be necessary to widen I-94 as downtown Detroit is accessible within minutes from any park and ride. This is because of advanced traffic control and fast bus service in and out of downtown Detroit due to the many features which will greatly reduce bus gridlock. As time goes on MDOT engineers can design and build more ways to reduce gridlock and provide pedestrian friendly areas. This will promote and protect the areas diverse cultures.

Exit 219 is 4 miles from Downtown Detroit

A land swap to trade private parking lots in downtown for land around exit 219 is proposed. Reducing traffic around downtown will compensate for the street and land area needed for THE Plan. Converting downtown from an area of extensive parking lots and lots of traffic to an area of peaceful parks, outdoor cafes, water fountains and many other amenities will make Detroit a much better place for all. Certainly, the short fast comfortable SMART bus ride will be well worth it.

Methods to be used

  • Four miles of bus only lanes on Gratiot with traffic signal control.
  • To conform with proposed SEMCOG BRT's (see Passenger Rail/BRT)
  • Under utilized/older buildings along route converted to parking
  • Extensive meetings with Downtown officials and others.



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