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Please translate into your language and sign the global petition for safe and affordable public buses in Detroit. This will make this city a holiday destination like Paris.

Increased investments in mass transit can successfully work

There is a correlation between capital infrastructure and its productivity and competitiveness. Productivity is improved by a new capital project only when its benefits equal or exceed its costs and when the rate of return at least equals that of alternative investments. Infrastructure may be...

  • Productive - 24 Hour / 7 Day a week bus service to Downtown Detroit and Metro Airport
  • Unproductive - Expanding freeways and roads without first improving public bus service



Operation Bring Back SMART and similar makes the best use of limited transportation tax dollars for public bus routes in southeast Michigan and everywhere.

From June 2003 to November 2006, this plan commenced to improve the mobility of all people, including those with special needs and those without cars and worked to help public and private transportation providers meet the mobility needs of the people and communities they serve. This plan preserved the Middlebelt 285 bus line and other indispensable pre-1995 connections with qualified funds.

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